
Welcome to, a free social community of real people whose lives have been affected by opioid addiction. We do not promote or preach, nor are we professionals. We are ordinary people who have lived with an opioid addiction, or are friends, family, or acquaintances of a heroin addict. Our goal is to educate and offer a community of support for everyone who is affected by addiction. I hope you enjoy your stay here. For privacy purposes, you are welcome to use an alias, and you do not need to upload a photo.

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History of FreeFromHell
FreeFromHell originally started as my blog about my opioid addiction and recovery, but it was changed to a Social Media website so that others could participate.
Goal of FreeFromHell?
FreeFromHell is a community of people who can relate to what you are going through no matter if you are an addict or have a friend or family member who is dealing with addiction.
Who am I?
My name is Ryan Donnelly, and I'm the founder of FreeFromHell. I started this website in 2011 to help spread my message that anything is possible with sobriety.

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Please Take Notice! is NOT a recreational drug use website. FFH is about
sobriety and freeing oneself of an opioid addiction. You will NOT find ways to use drugs on this site!


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